  • Drive Link

    Drive Link

    7.4 1.1.043 2024-12-16

DriveLink is a perfect app for safe.

DriveLink is a perfect app for safe, hands free in-vehicle services that really makes a difference in the driving.

The app can either work as Standalone Mode, which is just launched in the smartphone, or as Connected Mode,

which works by connecting to the car's headunit display via MirrorLink(TM).

For the Connected Mode, the screen of the smartphone is mirrored to the head unit display.

The app has been designed to conform to the safety regulation set by Automotive industry standard.

The current version has the following features:

- Welcome Screen: Context Awareness feature that allows to display the current location's weather information,

Recently Played Music in the smartphone, Schedule info stored in Calendar app. If the schedule contains an address, the user can click the

address to directly navigate to the destination

- Music : User can listen to every music file stored in the smartphone. Also, DriveLink has other music sources such as Internet Radio.

Currently, TuneIn and Radioclock App is available.

- Phone: User can make a phone call, and send text messages. The app retrieves all contact information stored in the smartphone

- Shortcut: User can create a shortcut for a specific contact, music, and location.


- To use MirrorLink(TM) service in car using USB, the head unit must support MirrorLink(TM) 1.0.1.

- If MirrorLink(TM) service doesn't work in your smartphone, it is necessary to update a firmware.

- Firmware update availability is depending on mobile operators.

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